My Eyes 米大統領選2016 ㉟ トランプ大統領就任式
As almost everyone knows by now, Donald J. Trump has become the 45th president of the United States of America. As with everything surrounding Trump, there was controversy and noise before, during and after the inauguration ceremony.
Before the inauguration, up to 60 Democrats announced that they would boycott the event. In addition, anarchists, communists and other anti-Trump leftist forces vowed to disrupt the event and event-goers and actually prevented people from entering the spectator space in some areas.[1]
Nonetheless, the inauguration passed by peacefully, with windows of cars, including Larry King’s, and shops being broken and trash cans being burnt in places. As is common, Trump supporters were harassed but nobody was hurt or killed.[2]
During Trump’s inauguration speech, said to be have been written by Steve Bannon, his senior advisor and a former chief writer for Breitbart, a nationalistic American website, Trump thanked his predecessors, President Clinton, President Bush Jr. and President Obama for their attendance, but immediately drew a line between them saying that the event was not one where parties holding the executive branch were changing but rather “transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you, the people”.
There were other memorable lines but one in particular that would please all citizens of the U.S., a multi-racial society, was this: “It’s time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget,’ he said, ‘that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.”[3]
[1] [2] [3]
know by now:もう知って(分かって)いる
As with…:~のように、~と同様に
up to…:~に至るまで、最大(最高)で~まで
vow to…:~することを誓う(誓約する・確約する・断言する・明言する)
As is common:よくあることだが
draw a line:一線を画する
executive branch:行政機関
memorable line:印象的なセリフ(一節)
in particular:特に、とりわけ
日本語版 英語・日本語版
*ダニエル氏の意見は、My Eyes Tokyoとは関係ありません。